Muay Thai - 8 Facts from a Karate Guy's Perspective

Muay Thai in Thailand

Kurtis is currently touring Thailand. And when in Thailand.. train Muay Thai!

As a martial art, Muay Thai has many similarities to Karate. It is often referred to as the "Art of Eight Limbs,", and as such, here are Eight Interesting Facts about Muay Thai (from my Karate guy’s perspective. :)

  1. 1. Emphasis on Clinching

    Muay Thai places a significant emphasis on clinching. The clinch provides incredible control of an opponent and enables powerful knee and elbow strikes. The clinch brings the fight to elbow and knee range. This differs from Karate, where the range is typically kept at a maximum distance for striking with hands and feet.

  2. 2. Eight Points of Contact

    As the name suggests, Muay Thai utilizes eight points of contact: fists, elbows, knees, and shins. While Karate will train elbows and knees in basics, Muay Thai will engage them in sparring. While Karate roundhouse kicks will primarily focus on striking with the foot, the Muay Thai kick (round kick) will primarily strike with the shin.

  3. 3. Hardened Limbs

    Muay Thai practitioners often train to harden their shins and forearms, which serve as natural weapons in the sport. This can make their strikes more powerful and less susceptible to injury. In traditional Karate this is known as makiwara training.

  4. 4. Spiritual Significance

    Muay Thai is deeply rooted in Thai culture and often carries significant spiritual meaning. Traditional fighters perform brief rituals before a match, seeking blessings and protection from the gods. By contrast, Karate is rooted in Okinawan Japan and has ties to Zen.

  5. Muay Thai in Thailand
  6. 5. Combative Focus

    While Karate is primarily rooted in self-defense, it can be practiced as a sport. Muay Thai, by contrast, is primarily a combat sport.

  7. 6. Training Methods

    Karate training consists primarily of basics, kata, bunkai applications of the kata, and sparring. Muay Thai training, with its focus on a combat sport, focuses on pad work, bag work, sparring and shadow boxing.

  8. 7. Influence on Mixed Martial Arts

    Both Muay Thai and Karate have profoundly influenced mixed martial arts (MMA), with many techniques from both arts being incorporated into the sport. The Thai clinch is an incredibly effective technique, as is the sideways “Karate stance and side-kick”.

  9. 8. Respect & Community

    Both Muay Thai and Karate promote a culture of respect and sportsmanship. In Karate dojos, practitioners bow in and out of class. In Muay Thai, fighters often greet each other with a traditional wai before a match. In dojos and clubs, members often form lifelong bonds, and newbies are always welcomed.

    If you've thought about joining a martial art, check out a local club, you will be glad you did! If you train and are travelling, and can squeeze in the time, check out a local club. Then let me know about it! I guarantee it will make your vacation more memorable!
